Deck the Halls with Pet-Friendly Decor

Decorating for the holiday season is one of the most exciting ways to get in the spirit. From holly to snowmen, the possibilities are endless. But with new home decor comes new dangers for your four-legged friends. When decorating for the holidays, keep your pets in mind so you can avoid potentially dangerous situations. Here are some quick tips to remember this season.

Live Plants Can Be Dangerous
Live mistletoe and holly, while beautiful, can pose a serious threat to your pet’s health. If ingested, they can be highly poisonous. Poinsettias should also be avoided because they can cause upset stomachs. If you would like to have the aesthetic of the plants without the risk, consider buying fake plants at a craft store.

Be Cautious of Candles
Candles become more popular during winter months but can also be a fire hazard for curious cats and peppy pups. Keep lit candles out of your pet’s reach or opt for electric candles to avoid fire altogether.

Don’t Forget the Ornaments
You can’t have a Christmas tree without the ornaments, but like most decorations, ornaments can be dangerous for pets. Keep breakable ornaments high and out of reach, and do not lose track of ornament hooks. You should also avoid ornaments made of food, such as popcorn or candy. As you know, pets will never turn down a good snack, but these can pose a choking hazard.

Don’t Stuff the Stockings Quite Yet
Stockings are a staple of the Christmas season, but when they are filled with goodies, they are irresistible to pets. When hanging them, be sure they are out of reach and avoid stuffing them until Christmas morning. This will help keep hungry pups and cats out.

Keep Wires Away
More lights mean more cords and wires for your four-legged friend to find. Keep all cords neatly put away. If there is no way to avoid a low hanging cord, make sure to keep an eye on your pets to avoid any potential disasters.

While holiday decorations only make an appearance for 1-2 months of the year, it’s important to be alert for potentially hazardous situations. With these tips in mind, have a fun and safe holiday season!


When decorating for the holidays, keep pet-friendly decor in mind so you can avoid potentially dangerous situations. Here are some quick tips to remember.

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