Benefits of Peas in Pet Food

Vegetables are always a good choice when looking for foods with healthy benefits, even when it comes to pet food. Peas are one vegetable that can help add extra nutrition to your pet’s diet. Peas can be found in each Supreme Source pet food recipe, packing each bag with a powerful punch of vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Vitamin packed
Peas are full of vitamins, including Vitamin A, B1, B6, C and K. Vitamin A promotes healthy eyes, muscles, nerves and skin, while vitamin C can boost your pet’s immune system. Vitamin K can also improve bone health.

Lutein and linoleic acid, what?
Although they may look complicated, there is nothing complicated about the benefits these nutrients, found in peas, provide. Lutein is an antioxidant that supports eye, skin and heart health in your pet. Linoleic acid, a common fatty acid, is equally as important for your pet, helping maintain healthy skin and fur.

Carbohydrates and fiber
High-fiber foods help dogs and cats maintain a healthy weight, lower cholesterol and promote a healthy digestive system.  Carbohydrates provide energy and are another nutrient essential to your pet’s health.

How to include peas in your pet’s diet
Each Supreme Source pet food recipe contains peas. That means their valuable nutrients can be found in every bite of Supreme Source. We make it easy for your to feed your dogs and cats peas without the hassle of cooking them and including them in the food yourself. To see all our recipes with peas, check out our products for dogs and cats.


Are peas included in all Supreme Source dog foods?

Yes, Supreme Source dog food blends all have peas included. Peas are an excellent vegetable to add to dog food blends to make sure your furry friend is getting the nutritional benefits of an excellent source of vitamins, and a source of fiber.

What are the benefits for dogs in eating peas?

Peas are full of vitamins like Vitamin A, B1, B6, C, and K. These vitamin packed foods provide plenty of health benefits and can be a nutritious treat to help improve digestive health for dogs with digestive issues. They can even help improve eye health!

Can dogs eat raw peas?

If you’re wondering if your dog can eat raw sugar snap peas, snow peas, or other types of peas, the answer is yes. However, make sure to exercise caution and understand your dog’s overall health before feeding them large amounts.

While there are plenty of essential vitamins that are offered by adding peas to your dog’s diet, Supreme Source dog foods provide the optimal amount to help increase your dog’s access to nutrients while ensuring they don’t eat too much.

Can dogs have adverse reactions to peas?

While peas are generally safe for dogs and can even be a healthy addition to their diet due to their nutritional content, some dogs may have adverse reactions or sensitivities to certain foods, including peas. Adverse reactions could include minor gastrointestinal issues such as upset stomach, gas, or diarrhea. In general, these issues are nothing to worry about. 

Peas have plenty of essential nutrients and have high fiber content which make them a popular treat for dogs or for training treats. Adding this to your pet’s regular food as part of a balanced diet is an excellent source of minerals, antioxidant properties, and vitamins.

It’s important to introduce new foods into your dog’s diet gradually and in moderation to monitor their response. If you notice any signs of discomfort or digestive upset after your dog consumes peas, it’s advisable to consult with your veterinarian. Additionally, if your dog has known food allergies or sensitivities, it’s crucial to be cautious about introducing new foods and to choose their diet accordingly to avoid any potential allergic reactions.

Always make sure that the peas are cooked and not seasoned with any harmful ingredients, such as garlic or onions, which can be toxic to dogs. If you’re unsure about what foods are safe for your dog, it’s best to consult with your veterinarian to create a well-balanced and appropriate diet for your furry friend.

Can I give my dog peas as a healthy treat?

Yes, in general, many dogs can enjoy peas as a healthy treat. Peas are a good source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They also contain antioxidants and are low in calories, making them a nutritious option for dogs.

It’s best to feed your dog cooked peas rather than raw ones. Cooking helps break down the cell walls, making the peas easier for dogs to digest. Avoid giving your dog peas that are seasoned with spices, salt, butter, or other additives. These additions may not be suitable for your dog’s digestive system.

Like any treat, peas should be given in moderation. While peas are an excellent treat, too much of any treat can upset your dog’s stomach or lead to an unbalanced diet.

Are peas high in protein?

Yes, peas are relatively high in protein compared to some other vegetables. They are a good source of plant-based protein. The exact protein content can vary depending on whether the peas are fresh, frozen, or cooked, but in general, peas contain about five to six grams of protein per cup.

If you’re considering peas as a protein source for your dog, it’s important to note that while they do contain protein, they may not be a complete source of all essential amino acids that dogs need. Dogs require a balanced diet with a variety of protein sources to meet their nutritional requirements. Always ensure that your dog’s overall diet is well-balanced and meets their specific nutritional needs. If you have any concerns or questions about your dog’s diet, it’s advisable to consult with your veterinarian for guidance.

What other veggies can I feed my dog?

Vegetables can provide essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. However, it’s important to be aware that not all vegetables are safe for dogs, and some should be cooked or prepared in specific ways. Here are some vegetables that are generally safe and healthy for dogs:

  1. Carrots

  2. Green Beans

  3. Sweet Potatoes

  4. Broccoli

  5. Spinach

  6. Peas

  7. Zucchini

  8. Cucumbers

  9. Pumpkin

If you find dog food that includes these vegetables in the recipe, you can be encouraged that your dog is getting a superior product. Check out our product page on the Supreme Source website to look at different product options, and to break food down by categories.

Our blend of vegetables offers an excellent source of potassium which helps provide dietary fiber while supporting digestive health and offering all the necessary nutrients for a dog’s health. Dietary fiber is essential and balances with our high-quality protein.

Peas, carrots, green beans, and sweet potatoes are among the most common vegetables and offer a great taste that complements the protein flavors which will keep your dog or puppy happy.

Veggies are always a good choice for foods with healthy benefits, even when it comes to pets. Peas in pet food can add extra nutrition to your pet’s diet.

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